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guest account04 Create a Guest Account for Users of Your Computer to Avoid Unwanted Changes [How To]

If you share your PC with others or let friends use it when they come to visit, you may find that settings get changed, files deleted, programs installed etc. without your consent. I used to use a program called Windows Steady State, which provided a mode to allow access without setting complicated policies to protect your settings. Thankfully in Windows 7, Microsoft have made this level of protection much more readily accessible. Learn, in this guide how to set up a Guest account, which is available in all Windows 7 versions, for infrequent users of your PC.

Please note two things before getting started:

  1. You should not use a guest account if you have parental controls set on your children’s accounts.
  2. You cannot use Guest mode in an AD environment.

Set up Guest Mode in Windows 7

To set up Guest Mode in Windows 7:

  1. Click the Start button, type account and click Add or remove user accounts.

    guest account01 Create a Guest Account for Users of Your Computer to Avoid Unwanted Changes [How To]

  2. Click the Guest account.

    guest account02 Create a Guest Account for Users of Your Computer to Avoid Unwanted Changes [How To]

  3. Click Turn On to enable the guest account.

    guest account03 Create a Guest Account for Users of Your Computer to Avoid Unwanted Changes [How To]

Use the Guest Account in Windows 7

To use the guest account:

  1. Log off or Switch User.
  2. Click the Guest account icon to log on:

    guest account04 Create a Guest Account for Users of Your Computer to Avoid Unwanted Changes [How To]

Restrictions of the Guest Account

The guest account is not permitted to make changes to your PC. The only files that are modified when the guest uses your PC are temporary profile files that are wiped out when the guest logs off.

A guest cannot:

Install a program:

guest account05 Create a Guest Account for Users of Your Computer to Avoid Unwanted Changes [How To]

Remove a program:

guest account06 Create a Guest Account for Users of Your Computer to Avoid Unwanted Changes [How To]

Modify files outside of the guest profile:

guest account07 Create a Guest Account for Users of Your Computer to Avoid Unwanted Changes [How To]

The guest account is a great way to protect your computer from unwanted changes.

 Create a Guest Account for Users of Your Computer to Avoid Unwanted Changes [How To]

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix the problems he creates.

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