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Windows 7 - Desktop

Enjoy this collection of Windows 7 UI Screenshots that surfaced during PDC 2008.

via WinGeek

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Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.

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27 thoughts on “36 of the Newest Windows 7 UI Screenshots”

  1. Confirmed Windows 7 Screenshot says:

    […] more Windows 7 Screenshots, visit 36 New Windows 7 UI Sceenshots. Tags: windows, windows 7, Windows 7 screens, windows 7 screenshots, Windows 7 UI, Windows 7 UI […]

  2. Pingback: Confirmed Windows 7 Screenshots
  3. Joel says:

    Cool pictures but I notice the taskbar is very similar to Linux taskbar, at least the image that has the clock under the date is Linux style.

    Overall the OS is coming good!

  4. Joel says:

    Cool pictures but I notice the taskbar is very similar to Linux taskbar, at least the image that has the clock under the date is Linux style.

    Overall the OS is coming good!

  5. Joel says:

    Cool pictures but I notice the taskbar is very similar to Linux taskbar, at least the image that has the clock under the date is Linux style.

    Overall the OS is coming good!

  6. Zach says:

    Yeah it looks as thick as KDE’s taskbar LOL. Anyway, this site has the best pics so far.

  7. Zach says:

    Yeah it looks as thick as KDE’s taskbar LOL. Anyway, this site has the best pics so far.

  8. Zach says:

    Yeah it looks as thick as KDE’s taskbar LOL. Anyway, this site has the best pics so far.

  9. Pingback: windows 7, windows 7 görünümleri » W?NDOWS SEVEN(7) GÖRÜNÜMLER? » ELEKTROSEY?R=>Wordpress||Program
  10. Shane says:

    I have a bone to pick over the taskbar, It’s too thick. We’re not blind. And the QUicklaunch Icons on taskbar distract from start button. Mabye I’ve just got OCD *twitches* but on windows machines, them main focus of the taskbar [u]should[/u] be the start button. so, let’s see…taskbar thickness, buttons… oh yes, background. Now taskbar backgrounds are tricky, they have to tie in with the desktop itself, and compliment the buttons. Me, I would’ve gone with transparrency, or at least Luna style. Now there’s a taskbar. Also, the start menu is too, well, clicky. I mean, first you have to click on all programs, then you have to scroll though the list, pass the program a couple times due to no icon exept for the folder icon, ect. I like XP start menu, all the options laid out before you. Oh, yeah. And the buttons look buldgy and plasticky. Now that I’m done bashing Win 7, I’ll say that I like other things about it, they did the whole Media Player right, and backgrounds and gadgets right. hopefully not another Vista *crosses fingers*

  11. Shane says:

    I have a bone to pick over the taskbar, It’s too thick. We’re not blind. And the QUicklaunch Icons on taskbar distract from start button. Mabye I’ve just got OCD *twitches* but on windows machines, them main focus of the taskbar [u]should[/u] be the start button. so, let’s see…taskbar thickness, buttons… oh yes, background. Now taskbar backgrounds are tricky, they have to tie in with the desktop itself, and compliment the buttons. Me, I would’ve gone with transparrency, or at least Luna style. Now there’s a taskbar. Also, the start menu is too, well, clicky. I mean, first you have to click on all programs, then you have to scroll though the list, pass the program a couple times due to no icon exept for the folder icon, ect. I like XP start menu, all the options laid out before you. Oh, yeah. And the buttons look buldgy and plasticky. Now that I’m done bashing Win 7, I’ll say that I like other things about it, they did the whole Media Player right, and backgrounds and gadgets right. hopefully not another Vista *crosses fingers*

  12. Shane says:

    I have a bone to pick over the taskbar, It’s too thick. We’re not blind. And the QUicklaunch Icons on taskbar distract from start button. Mabye I’ve just got OCD *twitches* but on windows machines, them main focus of the taskbar [u]should[/u] be the start button. so, let’s see…taskbar thickness, buttons… oh yes, background. Now taskbar backgrounds are tricky, they have to tie in with the desktop itself, and compliment the buttons. Me, I would’ve gone with transparrency, or at least Luna style. Now there’s a taskbar. Also, the start menu is too, well, clicky. I mean, first you have to click on all programs, then you have to scroll though the list, pass the program a couple times due to no icon exept for the folder icon, ect. I like XP start menu, all the options laid out before you. Oh, yeah. And the buttons look buldgy and plasticky. Now that I’m done bashing Win 7, I’ll say that I like other things about it, they did the whole Media Player right, and backgrounds and gadgets right. hopefully not another Vista *crosses fingers*

  13. Shane says:

    I have a bone to pick over the taskbar, It’s too thick. We’re not blind. And the QUicklaunch Icons on taskbar distract from start button. Mabye I’ve just got OCD *twitches* but on windows machines, them main focus of the taskbar [u]should[/u] be the start button. so, let’s see…taskbar thickness, buttons… oh yes, background. Now taskbar backgrounds are tricky, they have to tie in with the desktop itself, and compliment the buttons. Me, I would’ve gone with transparrency, or at least Luna style. Now there’s a taskbar.. I’ll say that I like other things about it, they did the whole Media Player right, and backgrounds and gadgets right. hopefully not another Vista *crosses fingers*

  14. Shane says:

    I have a bone to pick over the taskbar, It’s too thick. We’re not blind. And the QUicklaunch Icons on taskbar distract from start button. Mabye I’ve just got OCD *twitches* but on windows machines, them main focus of the taskbar [u]should[/u] be the start button. so, let’s see…taskbar thickness, buttons… oh yes, background. Now taskbar backgrounds are tricky, they have to tie in with the desktop itself, and compliment the buttons. Me, I would’ve gone with transparrency, or at least Luna style. Now there’s a taskbar.. I’ll say that I like other things about it, they did the whole Media Player right, and backgrounds and gadgets right. hopefully not another Vista *crosses fingers*

  15. Shane says:

    I have a bone to pick over the taskbar, It’s too thick. We’re not blind. And the QUicklaunch Icons on taskbar distract from start button. Mabye I’ve just got OCD *twitches* but on windows machines, them main focus of the taskbar [u]should[/u] be the start button. so, let’s see…taskbar thickness, buttons… oh yes, background. Now taskbar backgrounds are tricky, they have to tie in with the desktop itself, and compliment the buttons. Me, I would’ve gone with transparrency, or at least Luna style. Now there’s a taskbar.. I’ll say that I like other things about it, they did the whole Media Player right, and backgrounds and gadgets right. hopefully not another Vista *crosses fingers*

  16. Terry L. says:

    i love original AERO theme of vista.
    and hope so better performance about the OS .
    that’s all

  17. Terry L. says:

    i love original AERO theme of vista.
    and hope so better performance about the OS .
    that’s all

  18. Terry L. says:

    i love original AERO theme of vista.
    and hope so better performance about the OS .
    that’s all

  19. Zach says:

    This might be late, but shane, you like nothing about it, another Windows hater, so stay with your confusing GNOME and KDE, etc and don’t say anything. The only thing I don’t like are the overly huge buttons near the Start menu. I don’t see how it distracts from the start menu, just that I usually have a lot of windows open and I need as much space as possible there. That’s it.

  20. Zach says:

    This might be late, but shane, you like nothing about it, another Windows hater, so stay with your confusing GNOME and KDE, etc and don’t say anything. The only thing I don’t like are the overly huge buttons near the Start menu. I don’t see how it distracts from the start menu, just that I usually have a lot of windows open and I need as much space as possible there. That’s it.

  21. Zach says:

    This might be late, but shane, you like nothing about it, another Windows hater, so stay with your confusing GNOME and KDE, etc and don’t say anything. The only thing I don’t like are the overly huge buttons near the Start menu. I don’t see how it distracts from the start menu, just that I usually have a lot of windows open and I need as much space as possible there. That’s it.

  22. thebigk says:

    visually it looks good. hope the performance flaws of vista are rectified .
    thanks for the screenshots

  23. thebigk says:

    visually it looks good. hope the performance flaws of vista are rectified .
    thanks for the screenshots

  24. thebigk says:

    visually it looks good. hope the performance flaws of vista are rectified .
    thanks for the screenshots

  25. Ben says:

    It is awesome. I tried it out.

  26. Ben says:

    It is awesome. I tried it out.

  27. Ben says:

    It is awesome. I tried it out.

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