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Customize the Windows Seven Send To Menu

There are likely some folders on your computer that you spend a great deal of time clicking through folders to get to. Hopefully you have some kind of shortcut set up to get to them.

In this guide you’ll learn how to do one better by customizing the send to menu – enabling you to send files to a folder without opening it; thus, eliminating the need to navigate through your folders all the time.

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Note: Each profile in Seven has its own Sendto menu, so if you have multiple users on your computer, this will only affect your account.

Customizing the Send-to Menu

1. Press the Start button, copy %UserProfile%\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Sendto into the search bar, and press Enter

2. Customize the folder by deleting unused items and placing new shortcuts inside

Adding New Shortcuts to the Send-to Menu

To add a new shortcut, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to send items to
  2. Go up to the parent directory (so you can now see the folder)
  3. Right click the folder and select Create Shortcut
  4. Now place the shortcut in your send to folder

Customize the Windows Seven Send To Menu 1

Before and After Send to Menu

Customize the Windows Seven Send To Menu 2

Customize the Windows Seven Send To Menu 3

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.

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11 thoughts on “Customize Windows 7 Send To Menu [How To]”

  1. barry cooke says:

    My Win XP is updated with win 8.

  2. barry cooke says:

    My Win XP is updated with win 8.

  3. barry cooke says:

    My Win XP is updated with win 8.

  4. surendarsinghrathod says:

    its awersome software plz use it

  5. surendarsinghrathod says:

    its awersome software plz use it

  6. surendarsinghrathod says:

    its awersome software plz use it

  7. Xpindia says:

    thank you so much

  8. BigMan says:

    A smart thing is to put a shortcut to “send to” folder in the send to folder. it makes tings easy. but my “send to” only copy.. i would like it to move the files.. not copy them. How to fix that?

  9. Vince says:

    Where is the “Send To” folder located please? This post was no help to me whatsoever :(

    1. Rich says:

      Customizing the Send-to Menu
      1. Press the Start button, copy %UserProfile%AppdataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsSendto into the search bar, and press Enter

  10. Anonymous says:

    Great guide I found it very easy to follow.

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