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In this guide we’ll learn how to better use the Windows key. This key is very useful and some of these shortcuts will save you a lot of time as you begin to use them.

Windows Key Shortcuts

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Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.

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15 thoughts on “What is the Windows Key Used for?”

  1. shadowstar says:

    I like your blog, this post is really good, but please vary your topics, it will broad your readership.

  2. shadowstar says:

    I like your blog, this post is really good, but please vary your topics, it will broad your readership.

  3. shadowstar says:

    I like your blog, this post is really good, but please vary your topics, it will broad your readership.

  4. Abhisek says:


  5. Abhisek says:


  6. Some Windows Key Shortcuts ! : says:

    […] Via […]

  7. Pingback: Some Windows Key Shortcuts ! : Windows XP Secrets Blog !
  8. Best Windows Freebies and Guid says:

    […] What is the Windows Key Used for? Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic. […]

  9. Mel says:

    Heh – my main use of the windows key has been to restore my hidden toolbar when for whatever reason it won’t pop up for me (happens often with certain pieces of software..)

  10. Mel says:

    Heh – my main use of the windows key has been to restore my hidden toolbar when for whatever reason it won’t pop up for me (happens often with certain pieces of software..)

  11. Mel says:

    i disagree – I think being focused on one theme drives more people to the site because they know what to expect – they don’t want random ramblings about things they really aren’t interested in..

  12. Mel says:

    i disagree – I think being focused on one theme drives more people to the site because they know what to expect – they don’t want random ramblings about things they really aren’t interested in..

  13. Mel says:

    Heh – my main use of the windows key has been to restore my hidden toolbar when for whatever reason it won’t pop up for me (happens often with certain pieces of software..)

  14. Mel says:

    i disagree – I think being focused on one theme drives more people to the site because they know what to expect – they don’t want random ramblings about things they really aren’t interested in..

  15. Scott says:

    I use some other winkey combinations that I thought I would share. I believe these are only available in Windows 7 though.

    Winkey+P: (only useful if you use multiple screens) it allows you to cycle through screen setup options (ie. Computer only, Duplicate, Extend, or Project only)

    Winkey+Shift+Left or Right arrow: (only useful if you use multiple screens) allows you to move the current window to the other screen.

    Winkey+Arrow keys: Left or Right, allows you to snap the window to the left or right side of the screen. Up maximizes and Down minimizes.

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