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on Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photoson Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photoson Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photoson Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photosoff Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photos 4 out of 5 7 Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photosvista Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photosxp Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photos 32bit Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photos

duplicate photos Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your PhotosAwesome Duplicate Photofinder is a great freeware program designed to help you find those duplicate stored photos on your hard-drive.

But Awesome Duplicate Photofinder (say that fast five times in a row) does more. It even help you look for similar looking photos, using a comparison routine you would expect to find in an expensive commercial solution.

Simple and fast

Using  Awesome Duplicate Photofinder is very easy. Add the folders to search and wait for the program to show you the results. Most times Awesome Duplicate Photofinder comes out right, but sometimes pictures taken seconds apart (in succession) will be tagged as duplicates.

Similar images

The feature that impresses me most is the “similarity feature”, which not only pick images that look alike (or similar) but it also shows you a percentage score to help you decide how similar the images are.

Version 1

Awesome Duplicate Photofinder is a new program and I believe we will see many improvements as it gets further developed. That being said, the lean interface, with its “side-by-side” presentation of the results leaves very little to be improved.

If you have ideas I am sure the developer will appreciate your opinion.

Download it!

download64 Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photos

Download Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder

 Awesome Duplicate Photofinder Helps You Organize Your Photos

About Thomas

Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...

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  • http://www.mintywhite.com RSVR85

    Works just fine on x64 bit.

    • Anonymous

      It does work on 64bit systems, most 32 bit applications does.
      But the program is not native 64 bit, which is why I can’t tag it as such.

      • http://www.mintywhite.com/author/rsvr85 RSVR85

        hahaha….. right!

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