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09firefoxshort01 Use Shortcut Keys in Windows to Improve Productivity

Last week, we shared some commands you can run (from the Run box/Start menu) that can save you time and get you to the tools you need quickly. If you missed it, here it is: Use Start Menu/Run Dialog Commands to Access Windows Programs and Tools.

This week, we’ll point you to some of our previously-written guides that include keyboard shortcuts that you can use in Windows and in a couple of popular programs. If we’re missing any shortcuts or programs with shortcuts, let us know in the comments.

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desktop wallpaper942 Desktop Wallpaper: 47 High resolution Wallpapers for Windows, Linux, Mac [Set 19]

We love desktop wallpaper on Windows Guides. Here’s a collection of 50 hand-picked high-resolution wallpapers from various sources online. Know a good place for wallpaper or have some to share? Let us know about it in the comments.

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hiberSleep Hibernate vs. Sleep vs. Shut DownThere are many ways to shut down and restart your computer, but – which does what, and which should you use when?

The answer depends mostly on you. Are you into saving energy or boot-up time? How often do you leave your computer and for how long?

There are three main shut-down options available in Windows: Shut-Down, Sleep and Hibernate (names may vary depending on the Windows version). In Vista and Windows 7, there is also a fourth option; Hybrid Sleep.

Let’s explore the topic.

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In one of my previous articles I explored how we might find the customer service issues hidden within the masses of text we receive on a daily basis through an online feedback form. In this article we will take a look at what we could do next once we know what the main customer issues are.

Acting on the Data

When we start to see trends forming that is when we can build categories and decide a system of actions for those categories. For instance, we might push certain new messages to our support departments to be expedited automatically, while other less pressing issues can sit in a queue for a little longer.

When we have a ‘security’ issue come through we want to send them quickly to be handled by our ‘security specialist’. If a message contains a request that deal with writing Macros we would want one of the developers to help with that.

Does this sound like something you would like to use?

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snooze Hibernate or Sleep upon Startup [How To]Usually people use the  Hibernate or the Sleep Function when leaving the computer, to save time when returning to it. Mostly, I think, it’s because people feel the computer takes forever to get “work ready”. It may save you some precious time on the day-to-day basis, but there are occasions where a full Re-Boot is necessary.  Especially if you have applied an update or installed a Windows Service Dependent program. – What Then ??

One solution is to reboot when you go to get some coffee (or some other legal “drug”), or when you leave for the day. If you are on a password protected system, this really doesn’t help you any – you still have to wait for that last boot up services to start after typing in your credentials. If this is your case – do I got the perfect solution for you:

Introducing: Boot Snooze

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Recently, we asked you if you play computer games online. Here’s what you said:

computer games poll results01 Do You Play Computer Games Online? [Poll Results]

53% of respondents stated they play video games online. Here’s a breakdown of which platforms you use:

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