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on FileHippo Update Checker Finds Updates for Installed Programs for Optimal Securityon FileHippo Update Checker Finds Updates for Installed Programs for Optimal Securityon FileHippo Update Checker Finds Updates for Installed Programs for Optimal Securityon FileHippo Update Checker Finds Updates for Installed Programs for Optimal Securityhalf FileHippo Update Checker Finds Updates for Installed Programs for Optimal Security
4.5 out of 5
7 FileHippo Update Checker Finds Updates for Installed Programs for Optimal Securityvista FileHippo Update Checker Finds Updates for Installed Programs for Optimal Securityxp FileHippo Update Checker Finds Updates for Installed Programs for Optimal Security
filehippo03 FileHippo Update Checker Finds Updates for Installed Programs for Optimal Security
PROS: Easy to use and provides direct, high-speed download links. Searches for beta updates. Can be used as a standalone without need for installation.

CONS: Sends information about what programs are installed on your computer to FileHippo to check for updates. Some may see this as a privacy concern.

VERDICT: If you want to get the latest updates (and betas), this program will keep you on top of things.



DOWNLOAD: FileHippo Update Checker

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Become a Command Prompt Super User [Quick Tip]

Posted by Thomas On November - 9 - 20102 COMMENTS

New to using the command prompt? Check out the Windows Command Prompt Beginner’s Guide

CMD Become a Command Prompt Super User [Quick Tip]A long time ago, in a Galaxy.. err … Recent Past, we had no Windows (unbelievably true) with its fancy GUI (Graphical User Interface). Typing in commands, paths etc. in DOS (Disk Operating System) was a time-consuming task. If you’d get one letter wrong in a long line of commands, path and keys – you’d get an error and had to start all over again.

Another annoying thing about a text-based OS is the need to retype the same commands over and over.

Luckily there were (are) options that still today can help you become a more efficient user of the Command Prompt Tool.

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Best Remote Access Applications

Posted by Rich On November - 1 - 20104 COMMENTS

511 Best Remote Access ApplicationsWe are now in an age where we can realistically expect to have access to every: photo we’ve ever taken, song we’ve ever purchased, document we’ve written, and anything else stored on our computer. Many of us have a computer at home (usually an older computer) that we refer to as our server. On or attached to this server is all the media we have to our name. In this guide, we explore top five remote access applications available to help you get to this, and other, information. These applications can be used to:

  • Have a multi-PC meeting.
  • Have access to your own PCs wherever you are.
  • Help a friend with their PC.
  • Have desktop access to your PCs on your home network.

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on SuperbarMonitor Monitors Windows 7 Systems Resource Usage from the Taskbaron SuperbarMonitor Monitors Windows 7 Systems Resource Usage from the Taskbaron SuperbarMonitor Monitors Windows 7 Systems Resource Usage from the Taskbarhalf SuperbarMonitor Monitors Windows 7 Systems Resource Usage from the Taskbaroff SuperbarMonitor Monitors Windows 7 Systems Resource Usage from the Taskbar
3.5 out of 5
7 SuperbarMonitor Monitors Windows 7 Systems Resource Usage from the Taskbarvista SuperbarMonitor Monitors Windows 7 Systems Resource Usage from the Taskbar
superbar monitor02 220x220 SuperbarMonitor Monitors Windows 7 Systems Resource Usage from the Taskbar
PROS: Free. Low resource usage. Made for geeks at heart.

CONS: Still a little rough around the edges (got a couple of unhandled exceptions with the disk monitor.)

VERDICT: Give it a try and see if you like it!



DOWNLOAD: SuperbarMonitor

Requires . NET Framework 3.5 (included in Windows 7.)

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devicedoctor Device Doctor Scans and Updates Your Computers DriversKeeping our computer(s) up to speed is a never-ending story. Making sure you have the latest, most updated drivers can be a daunting task and many give up on it. There are many tools out there promising to help you take care of this for you. Most of these sites and tools prove to be frauds, either overcharging you for free drivers, or installing old or useless drivers, causing more problems than they solve.

I have earlier told you about Driver Magician (and given away copies), which up until now was my program of choice, even though you have to pay for it. Now I bring you the ultimate Free Solution: Device Doctor

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Driver Race Car 500x366 Find out which Drivers are Installed on Your PC [Quick Tip]Knowing which drivers (and versions) are installed on your computer is necessary when you want to keep them updated. But how do you know which versions (and which drivers) are installed on your system ?

Let me show you …

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