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Recently, I chose my top five anti-malware applications and there are many more that didn’t make the cut. Here on Windows Guides, we have a section dedicated to security and anti-malware application reviews. But, if you want a list of a bunch of security programs, look no further than Gizmo’s freeware.

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Modify Autopublishing Apps 17

The latest version of Microsoft Virtual PC lets you run applications installed on your virtual Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 without loading the whole operating system in the background. In this guide you’ll learn:

  • How to turn on Auto Publish to view programs on Windows 7’s start menu.
  • How to run Windows XP Mode applications in Windows 7.
  • How to add XP Mode programs to Windows 7’s start menu.
  • How to exclude XP Mode programs from Windows 7’s start menu.

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When you’re using Windows XP Mode in Windows 7, you’ll likely need to access files on your host (Windows 7) machine. Luckily, Windows Virtual PC makes this really easy and there’s not much you have to do. In this guide, I’ll show you how to access your files in the intended way and also show you a trick that will make file sharing between the two operating systems even easier. Specifically, this guide covers the following topics:

  • Basic file sharing.
  • Customizing file sharing.
  • Sharing removable devices (USB drives.)
  • Send files to your host machine via the “Send to” menu.

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This is a little something I’ve been working on for a day or so.

It changes the backgrounds and background thumbnail of your Windows 7 Card Games to a ‘www.Mintywhite.com’ theme-pack.

If you’ve ever spent any amount of time playing card games, i hope you find this to be a refreshing change.

Click the link below to see some screenshots of what i mean.

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Improve XP Mode Performance 06

Although, by today’s standards, Windows XP doesn’t require much in the way of system resources, Windows XP Mode, running in Windows Virtual PC, can feel a little sluggish at times. This is because Windows XP Mode, by default, runs with 512MB RAM. In this guide, I’ll show you how to increase the allotted memory to Windows XP Mode using Windows Virtual PC Settings.

Note: A couple of weeks ago, we asked you if you used Windows XP Mode and many of you responded by saying you didn’t know about it so we wrote this guide: What are Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode and How Do I Use them? This is a good place to start if you’re new to Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode.

If you get to the end of this guide and still have questions about Windows Virtual PC or XP Mode, please ask them in the Windows 7 forum.

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NoSleepHD Stops your Hard Drives from Sleeping

Posted by Stu On August - 10 - 20103 COMMENTS

So you’re partial to using external hard drives as additional storage?  Do you have a drive that falls asleep every 10 minutes or so, causing explorer to go slow?  Well i feel
32_9_256x256x32 your pain, i do to.  I have a Maxtor Basics 500GB external hard drive that nods off more prolifically than a narcoleptic.

These disks are typically hard coded to do so too; so trying to keep the thing awake can be a pain.

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