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Screenshots of History Vault have leaked from Windows 8 build 7955 and are shared on winrumors. I have hands on experience with OS X’s Time Machine, which is a tool that lets you get to previous versions of files and backups. Time Machine is very useful and is invaluable when you need it.

Windows backup has always been a little cumbersome and, for most users, far from intuitive. Is History Vault the product we’ve been waiting for? From the information available, it looks like it’s going to let you view old files and restore them in a more intuitive “snapshot” view so you can go back to the date, you want the file from, and restore lost or files that need replacing.

Windows 8: History Vault user interface revealed | winrumors

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Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.

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