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change boot screen 00 Change Your Vista Boot Screen [How To]

If you would like to change your boot screen, which shows when Windows Vista loads, you can learn how in this guide. We’ll use a program named “Vista Visual Master.” Find out more about Vista Visual Master.

Download Vista Visual Master

If you don’t already have Vista Visual Master, download it here

Changing Your Vista Boot Screen

Note: There are cases when this tweak wont work. I’m really not sure why. I tried this with three Vista computers and two worked fine–the third didn’t work. Let me know if you have any trouble.

Changing your boot screen is simple–just do the following:

  1. Open Vista Visual Master
  2. Click on the Boot Screen tab
  3. Click on Browse, choose a picture, and click Openchange boot screen 01 Change Your Vista Boot Screen [How To]
  4. Click Generate. The boot screen will then generate and let you know when it’s done. Press OKchange boot screen 02 Change Your Vista Boot Screen [How To]
  5. Check Change Boot Screen, click Browse, and click Openchange boot screen 03 Change Your Vista Boot Screen [How To]
  6. Click Apply

When you’re ready, reboot your computer to view your new boot screen.

 Change Your Vista Boot Screen [How To]

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix the problems he creates.

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  • Brandon

    Its good… but whatever you do…. DO NOT USE THE BOOTSCREEN ON 7!!!

  • Brandon

    Its good… but whatever you do…. DO NOT USE THE BOOTSCREEN ON 7!!!

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