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If you’ve ever lost a USB drive before, this will be something you wish you had. If you haven’t lost one yet, then you should install this on your USB drive as soon as possible. I’ve lost two drives in the past; luckily both drives didn’t have any sensitive information on them, but I wonder if I would have got either back if I’d had this program.

USB Lost and Found simply puts a message up each time you put your drive in, which contains your contact information. The person who finds your drive can then get in contact and return your drive to you. If you are willing to pay $3.49 $8.99 for the Pro version, you get lockdown mode, which password protects your data too.

Download USB Lost and Found

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix the problems he creates.

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  • Taylor Ling

    Just tried it on XP and it seems to work …. But when the thumb drive open in Windows 7, nothing comes up, it can be accessed directly, so not much use for me in this case.

  • Taylor Ling

    Just tried it on XP and it seems to work …. But when the thumb drive open in Windows 7, nothing comes up, it can be accessed directly, so not much use for me in this case.

  • Taylor Ling

    Just tried it on XP and it seems to work …. But when the thumb drive open in Windows 7, nothing comes up, it can be accessed directly, so not much use for me in this case.

  • Taylor Ling

    Just tried it on XP and it seems to work …. But when the thumb drive open in Windows 7, nothing comes up, it can be accessed directly, so not much use for me in this case.

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