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Every now and then, I take a look at my Google Analytics page to see where visitors to this website come from. I am pleased to see a high diversity of visitors–with visits from 186 195 countries and territories.

Which of the 186 195 countries and territories are you from? Are you from the US/UK? If so, which state/county/city are you from? Let us know in the comments and represent your part of the world.

Please see Figure A below for all the countries the site’s visitors come from. www.Mintywhite.com has been around for just over three months and I thought I would share how many unique visitors have come to the site: at time of publishing, the number stands at 1,215,033 visitors. Thank you for your support and diligent readership.

Map of Mintywhite Visitors from Around the World

Figure A: Google Analytics Map of Visitors to www.Mintywhite.com

Haven’t commented before? It takes a few seconds plus the time you take to share a little about where you are from. I look forward to hearing from you!

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix the problems he creates.

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  • BennyBeat

    Sometimes from Catalonia, sometimes from Andorra or France, but 100% from the web ^_^”

  • BennyBeat

    Sometimes from Catalonia, sometimes from Andorra or France, but 100% from the web ^_^”

  • BennyBeat

    Sometimes from Catalonia, sometimes from Andorra or France, but 100% from the web ^_^”

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