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Archive for the ‘Desktop Wallpaper’ Category

Desktop Wallpaper 1797

We love desktop wallpaper on Windows Guides. Here’s a collection of 50 hand-picked high-resolution wallpapers from various sources online. Know a good place for wallpaper or have some to share? Let us know about it in the comments.

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Desktop Wallpaper 1742

We love desktop wallpaper on Windows Guides. Here’s a collection of 50 hand-picked high-resolution wallpapers from various sources online. Know a good place for wallpaper or have some to share? Let us know about it in the comments.

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Desktop Wallpaper 1698

We love desktop wallpaper on Windows Guides. Here’s a collection of 50 hand-picked high-resolution wallpapers from various sources online. Know a good place for wallpaper or have some to share? Let us know about it in the comments.

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Desktop Wallpaper 1611

We love desktop wallpaper on Windows Guides. Here’s a collection of 50 hand-picked high-resolution wallpapers from various sources online. Know a good place for wallpaper or have some to share? Let us know about it in the comments.

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Every now and then you need to resize a photo for different reasons. Being an eager hobby photographer I like to be able to print some of my photos. Sometimes I want to make smaller prints and sometimes I want to make large ones. Storing different copies of my images would not be a space saver, so instead I use a different method: Scaling using DPI.

[disclaimer] This guide is written using Photoshop, but there are several other programs available with the same capabilities as described here (like Paint.net). This guide will not focus on how to create photos for use on the web where pictures need to be downsized and data removed.

To be able to resize a photo (making it larger or smaller) without removing data you need to know what a digital photo is and you will also need to know what DPI is and how it works.  So let’s start with that.

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Over the last 16 weeks, we’ve released 16 wallpaper packs—each with up to 50 wallpapers*. In this post, we recap these collections and provide links to them all. Have fun finding a new desktop wallpaper!

*One of the wallpaper sites we usually link to has changed its design and is now riddled with ads. Because of this, I’ve removed all links to this site, which takes the number slightly lower than 800.

Did you miss the first round up? Desktop Wallpaper: 800 High-resolution Wallpapers for Windows, Linux, Mac [Set 1]

Check out the third collection of 800 wallpapers.

Desktop Wallpaper: 50 High-resolution Wallpapers for Windows, Linux, Mac [Set 17]

Desktop Wallpaper 846

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